
How To Celebrate Christmas

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Many of our Christmas customs began long before Jesus was born. Came from previous festivals had nothing to do with the Christian church. Long ago people had midwinter festivals when the days were shorter and weaker sunlight. They believed that their ceremonies would give the sun back their power. The Romans, for example, held the feast of the Saturnalia, around 25 December. They decorated their homes with evergreens to remind them of Saturn, their god of harvest, to return the following spring. Some of these customs and traditions were adopted by early Christians as part of its celebrations of the birthday of Jesus. In Victorian times some new ideas, like Santa Claus, Christmas cards and crackers were added to the celebrations. 

On December 6, St. Nicholas arrived and put small gifts (nike jordan 6 rings olympic edition) in the shoes of children who have been polished and placed near the windows and whether children have been naughty get a stick. In general, people in the field grow their own pigs which are slaughtered for Christmas on 20 December and the meat is cooked differently for the Christmas meal as homemade smoked / unsmoked sausage. Each part of the pig is used in different ways to make different dishes. Chop is made and, along with rice, onions and spices are used for stuffed cabbage leaves or vine, called 'sarmale'. So pork is traditional for Christmas dinner. On Christmas Eve the children usually go around the houses and sing carols and get fruit, sweets or money in return. Around the world on Christmas Day has a great family meal and family visit. In the country side people dressed as bears and goats and going to sing traditional songs special in every house in the village.

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